Designer handbags and jewelry have always been my passion. Before creating Just a Girl Finding Cool Stuff I worked with my husband in his business but always missed my years working in sales and working directly with clients. When I became an empty nester I decided to venture into reselling on social media and created this passion project into a real business I can be proud of.
I love providing handbags and accessories to clients around the world. Our dedication to sourcing beautiful authentic items has earned us a loyal following. All designer items curated are run through an authentication service before with offer them for sale. A certificate of authenticity is provided with each designer item we sell utilizing the reputable service Entrupy use several other recognized authentication services. Most items shown are pre-loved and have been authenticated in house using third party services.
None of the items have been authenticated by their respective brands. All items are guaranteed authentic or your money back.
Just a Girl Finding Cool Stuff is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by or officially connected with any brands shown on this website. All brands retain their names, any related names, symbols, marks registered trademarks and copyrights.
I sincerely hope you love shopping here as much as I love sourcing designer merchandise at the best price for you.